Workstation & Departmental Processor Role Topics
This page provides you with links to important help topics for the Workstation and Departmental Processor roles in TrainTraq.
To assist you in locating specific help topics, the first topic section provides links to basic role and FAQ information, while all other topics are organized based on the tab and tab menu option they relate to within TrainTraq itself.
Workstation & Departmental Processor Role Information
See the Understanding Roles page for a detailed list of the capabilities of the departmental and employee processor roles.Workstation Processor Role
- Dashboard Option
- Employee Search
- Assignments Option
- Waitlist Management Option:
- Transcripts Option:
- Groups Option:
- Employee Groups Option:
- Group Assignments Option:
- The Tools Page
- External User Transcripts Option
- Assignment Rules Option
- Completion Upload Option:
- Employee PIN Info Option
- The Reports Page (for processors)
- System Log Option:
- Workstation/Adloc Reports Option: