In FAMIS, debits and credits are often displayed in the same column. To differentiate the credits from the debits, credits are “signed” (negative) and debits are “unsigned” (positive).
FAMIS is an expenditure-based system where expenses are expressed naturally as debits. Debits are displayed in FAMIS as “unsigned” (positive) numbers. Revenues are naturally credits and, since debits are unsigned, credits are displayed in FAMIS as “signed” (negative). This enables both debit and credit entries to be displayed in a single column, providing room for additional information on reports and screens.
Subsidiary Ledger (SL)
Budget Transactions
Revenue budgets are natural credits, whereas expense budgets are natural debits. In the following image, budget entries highlighted in yellow are revenue budget increases; therefore, they are credits and signed (negative) in FAMIS. The budget entries highlighted in green are the corresponding expense budget increases; therefore they are debits and unsigned (positive) in FAMIS. The revenue budget highlighted in pink is a revenue budget decrease, a debit entry (positive), and the expense budget highlighted in blue is an expense budget decrease, a credit entry (negative).
Screen 046 – Budget Transactions

046 Transactions for a Month by Reference Number 2 or 4 04/13/21 11:42 SL ACCOUNT FY 2020 CC xx Screen: ___ Account: 2xxxxx Month: 4_ Search On Ref: 2 Ref Nbr: _______ Display Ref: 2 Bank Option: N Sbcd TC Ref 2 Date Description Amount I BatRef Offset Acct ---- --- ------- ----- ------------------ --------------- - ------ ----------- 0001 021 04/02 REVENUE BUDGET ALL 21,359.33- C GEBZ01 1000 021 04/02 EXPENSE BUDGET ALL 21,359.33 D GEBZ01 0001 021 04/03 REVENUE BUDGET ALL 0.30 D GEBZ01 1000 021 04/03 EXPENSE BUDGET ALL 0.30- C GEBZ01 0001 021 04/07 REVENUE BUDGET ALL 1,400.00- C GEBZ01 1000 021 04/07 EXPENSE BUDGET ALL 1,400.00 D GEBZ01 0001 021 04/09 REVENUE BUDGET ALL 8,948.98- C GEBZ01 1000 021 04/09 EXPENSE BUDGET ALL 8,948.98 D GEBZ01 0001 021 04/14 REVENUE BUDGET ALL 7,689.75- C GEBZ01 1000 021 04/14 EXPENSE BUDGET ALL 7,689.75 D GEBZ01 6312 043 F060465 04/02 BAD DEBT - NSF CHE 94.76 D NSF001 0624 065 Y007251 04/07 SAN ANTONIO LIVEST 1,400.00- FMC002 020202 1300 1515 064 0020041 04/10 BIWEEKLY PAYROLL 2,973.60 PAYB04 010010 2400 1610 064 0020041 04/10 BIWEEKLY PAYROLL - 40.00 PAYB04 010010 2400 * Continued * Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Hmenu Help EHelp View DLoad Left Right
Revenue Transactions
Revenues are natural credits. In the following image, the entries highlighted in yellow are increases to revenue, credit entries, and are signed (negative) in FAMIS. The entries highlighted in green are refunds of revenue, debit entries, and are unsigned (positive) in FAMIS.
Screen 046 – Revenue Transactions

048 Transaction Inquiry by Account/Subcode/Month 04/13/21 13:26 SL ACCOUNT FY 2020 CC xx Screen: ___ Account: 2xxxxx 0603 Month: 4_ Direct/Indirect: D Display Ref: 2 Bank Option: N Ref: _______ Sbcd TC Ref 2 Date Description Amount I BatRef Offset Acct ---- --- ------- ----- ------------------ --------------- - ------ ----------- 0603 068 7000822 04/17 SOPHIE*HIGBIE 24.00 N PRVS01 02xxxx 2100 0603 068 7000823 04/17 COLLEEN*FIEGA 72.00 N PRVS01 02xxxx 2100 0603 060 0707107 04/16 T2911489 Visa SCSC 19.00- N JET107 01xxxx 1610 0603 060 0707107 04/16 T2911490 Visa SCSC 19.00- N JET107 01xxxx 1610 0603 060 0707107 04/16 T2911578 Visa SCSC 41.00- N JET107 01xxxx 1610 0603 060 0707107 04/16 T2911597 Visa SCSC 68.00- N JET107 01xxxx 1610
Encumbrance Transactions
Encumbrances are pre-expenses and therefore are natural debits. In the following image, the entries highlighted in yellow are increases to encumbrances, debit entries, and unsigned (positive) in FAMIS. The entries highlighted in green are decreases to encumbrances, credit entries, and signed (negative) in FAMIS.
Screen 046 – Encumbrance Transactions

046 Transactions for a Month by Reference Number 2 or 4 04/13/21 13:40 SL ACCOUNT FY 2020 CC xx Screen: ___ Account: 2xxxxx Month: 4_ Search On Ref: 2 Ref Nbr: A______ Display Ref: 2 Bank Option: N Sbcd TC Ref 2 Date Description Amount I BatRef Offset Acct ---- --- ------- ----- ------------------ --------------- - ------ ----------- 1906 051 A07xxx 04/30 AUTO ADJ - A07xxx 67.32 D SEAA01 1906 051 A10xxxx 04/30 AUTO ADJ - A10xxxx 67.47 D SEAA01 1906 051 A99xxx 04/30 AUTO ADJ - A99xxx 88.80- C SEAA01
Expense Transactions
Expenses are natural debits. In the following image, the entries highlighted in yellow are increases to expenses, debit entries, and unsigned (positive) in FAMIS. The entry highlighted in green is a decrease to expense, a credit entry, and signed (negative) in FAMIS.
Screen 046 – Expense Transactions

046 Transactions for a Month by Reference Number 2 or 4 04/13/21 15:07 SL ACCOUNT FY 2020 CC xx Screen: ___ Account: 2xxxxx Month: 3_ Search On Ref: 2 Ref Nbr: 8______ Display Ref: 2 Bank Option: N Sbcd TC Ref 2 Date Description Amount I BatRef Offset Acct ---- --- ------- ----- ------------------ --------------- - ------ ----------- 5760 068 8005588 03/05 TEJAS OFFICE PRODU 6.07 P PVP155 02xxxx 2100 5760 068 8005588 03/10 TEJAS OFFICE PRODU 0.06- APA900 02xxxx 2100 5755 068 8005649 03/06 CC CREATIONS LTD 353.75 N PVP156 02xxxx 2100 5616 068 8005692 03/09 TEXAS A&M ENGINEER 2,910.00 N PVP158 02xxxx 2100 5616 068 8005693 03/09 TEXAS A&M ENGINEER 9,959.00 N PVP158 02xxxx 2100 5616 068 8005702 03/09 TEXAS A&M ENGINEER 2,910.00 N PVP158 02xxxx 2100 5616 068 8005821 03/17 TEXAS A&M ENGINEER 25.00 N PVP164 02xxxx 2100 5650 068 8006108 03/25 FEDERAL EXPRESS CO 772.73 N PVP176 02xxxx 2100
SL Summary View
In the summary view, the same rules apply; revenues and revenue budgets are natural credits (signed), whereas expenses, expense budgets, and encumbrances are natural debits (unsigned). On the summary screens, Budget, Actuals and Encumbrances are in separate columns.
In the following image, the revenue budget is highlighted in yellow in the Budget column and, as a credit, is signed (negative) in FAMIS. Expense budgets are highlighted in green and, as debits, are displayed in the Budget column as unsigned (positive).
In the Actual column, revenue actuals are highlighted in pink and, as credits, are signed (negative) in FAMIS. Expense actuals are highlighted in blue and, as debits, are unsigned (positive) in FAMIS.
In the Encumbrances column, encumbrance summaries are highlighted in purple, and as pre-expenses, these are debits and are unsigned (positive) in FAMIS.
Screen 034 – SL Summary

034 SL Summary By Budget Pool 04/13/21 13:40 SL ACCOUNT FY 2020 CC xx Screen: ___ Account: 4xxxxx Fiscal Year: 2020 Thru Month: 4_ April FY/PY/IN to Date: FY Calc CM IDC: N Resp Person: USER, BETTER Bottom Line Exclusion: 0.00 Department: DEPT Flags: D F B C Z G ABR Net Dir BBA: 1006393.01 Map Code: 4xxxx N N Y N N N 011 Unprotected Available: 1006393.01 Obj Description Budget Actual Encumbrances Available ---- -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 0001 Revenue Pool 7094066- 3023435- 4070631- **** Total Revenue 7094066- 3023435- 4070631- 1000 All Expense Pool 1101 Salaries Budget 3416175 1772234 1050486 593455 1900 Benefits Pool 1354855 579191 349543 426122 3000 Travel Pool 223720 107282 116438 4000 Operating Budget 324000 144384 86630 92986 5000 Other Expense Pool 223489 93120 352977 222608- 8000 Capital Outlay Budge *** Total Direct Expense 5542239 2696211 1839635 1006393 * Partial Acct Total 1551827- 327225- 1839635 3064238- Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Hmenu Help EHelp Left Right
General Ledger (GL)
GL Transactions
In GL accounts, assets (subcodes 1xxx) have a natural debit balance, while liabilities (subcodes 2xxx) and fund balances (subcodes 3xxx) have natural credit balances. As with the SL accounts, debits are unsigned (positive) and credits are signed (negative).
In the following image, the entry highlighted in yellow is a credit entry to an asset, Cash, so it is signed (negative), while the entry highlighted in purple is a debit entry to Cash and is unsigned (positive). The entries highlighted in green are debit entries from another asset, Due from Part 01, and are both unsigned (positive). The entry highlighted in blue is a credit entry to Fund Balance and is signed (negative).
Screen 046 – GL Transactions

046 Transactions for a Month by Reference Number 2 or 4 04/13/21 15:30 GL ACCOUNT FY 2019 CC xx Screen: ___ Account: 0xxxxx Month: 9_ Search On Ref: 2 Ref Nbr: _______ Display Ref: 2 Bank Option: N Sbcd TC Ref 2 Date Description Amount I BatRef Offset Acct ---- --- ------- ----- ------------------ --------------- - ------ ----------- 1100 098 BBF2018 09/01 GL BEGINNING BALAN 521,702.39- BBGL01 02xxxx 1801 1801 098 BBF2018 09/01 GL BEGINNING BALAN 521,702.39 BBGL01 02xxxx 1100 3200 098 BBF2018 09/01 GL BEGINNING BALAN 521,702.39- BBGL01 02xxxx 1100 1100 098 BBF2018 09/01 GL BEGINNING BALAN 521,702.39 BBGL01 02xxxx 3200 1801 060 F970012 09/17 FY19 PUF ALLOCATIO 2,100,000.00 BUD421 02xxxx 4701
GL Summary View
In the following image, the entries for the two assets, Cash and Due from Part 01, are highlighted in blue. These are debit balances and are unsigned (positive).
The entries for liabilities and fund balance, Accounts Payable and Fund Balance, are highlighted in yellow. These are credit balances and are signed (negative).
Screen 018 – GL Summary View

018 GL 6 Digit List 04/13/21 15:30 GL ACCOUNT FY 2019 CC cc Screen: ___ Account: 02xxxx ____ Fiscal Year: 2019 Thru Month: 9_ September Department: ACTG Resp Person: ALEXANDER, DONNA D Flags: D F N N Account YTD Current Month YTD Thru Control Description Begin Balance September September ---- ----------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 1100 Claim on Cash 588275.35 588275.35 1801 Due from Part 01 - SAGO 521702.39 2100000.00 2621702.39 2100 Accounts Payable 11900.35- 11900.35- 2101 Accounts Payable - Manu 2795 Restricted for Capital 3200 Fund Bal-Designated 521702.39- 2676375.00- 3198077.39