In FAMIS, Automatic Budget Reallocation (ABR) allows FAMIS accounts to be budgeted at a pool level (special object codes designated as pool codes) rather than requiring budget at every individual object code level. This is accomplished through the use of ABR rules created and defined for each member and assigned to Subsidiary Ledger (SL) accounts.
When actuals or encumbrances are posted to the account, the budget to cover those transactions is subtracted from the pool and added to the revised budget next to the object code used on the transaction, reducing the available budget (BBA) for that pool. This is done behind the scenes in FAMIS; users do not see these as transfer transactions on the accounts in FAMIS.
Due to the reallocations made between the pools and the object codes assigned to the pools, the ABR rule should never be changed if there are any transactions in the account. Doing so causes orphaned budget allocations and some object codes are set as budget pools. If the ABR does need to be changed, all budgets, actuals and encumbrances should be removed at the SL-SA subcode level. If all balances have been removed correctly, Screens 019 and 069 will have no values, and the ABR rule can now be changed. Once the ABR has been changed, all budgets, actuals and encumbrances can now be re-added at the SL-SA subcode level, using the new ABR pools.
Additionally, the only changes to ABR rules allowed during the fiscal year are the addition of revenue / expense codes not currently included in the ABR rule. If revenue / expense codes need to be moved between pools on an ABR rule, it should be done in the new fiscal year before transactions are posted.
ABR rules are established on Screen 804 in FAMIS by FAMIS Services. Each member may define up to 999 ABR rules. The rules may be very simple to very complex depending on the member’s needs. ABR rules are assigned at the SL account level; support accounts must follow the ABR rule established at the SL.
Simple ABR Rule
F0013 Please enter desired modifications 804 Maintain Automatic Budget Reallocation Rules 04/13/21 11:32 FY 2021 CC cc Screen: ___ Rule: 001 F Pool Low High Act Messages F Pool Low High Act Messages _ 0001 0001 0999 _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ 1000 1000 9998 _ _ ____ ____ ____ _
- Only two budget pools: one revenue and one expenses
- Object code ranges are contiguous
Complex ABR Rule
F0013 Please enter desired modifications 804 Maintain Automatic Budget Reallocation Rules 04/13/21 11:42 FY 2021 CC cc Screen: ___ Rule: 001 F Pool Low High Act Messages F Pool Low High Act Messages _ 0001 0002 0999 _ _ 5400 5410 5499 _ _ 1100 1105 1599 _ _ 5500 5510 5599 _ _ 1600 1605 1699 _ _ 5600 5610 5699 _ _ 1700 1705 1799 _ _ 4000 5710 5799 _ _ 1801 1802 1802 _ _ 5800 5810 5842 _ _ 1900 1906 1999 _ _ 5844 5845 5847 _ _ 3000 3010 3999 _ _ 5800 5850 5859 _ _ 4000 4010 4028 _ _ 5801 5860 5871 _ _ 4029 4030 4038 _ _ 5800 5872 5879 _ _ 4000 4039 4999 _ _ 5801 5880 5880 _ _ 5000 5010 5099 _ _ 5800 5881 5899 _ _ 5100 5110 5199 _ _ 6200 5910 5999 _ _ 5200 5210 5299 _ _ 6000 6001 6099 _ _ 5300 5310 5349 _ _ 6200 6210 6399 _ _ 5400 5350 5399 _ _ 6200 6401 6471 _ *********** More Data -- press to view *********** Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Hmenu Help EHelp
- Multiple budget pools are included in the ABR rule
- Pools are split between noncontiguous ranges:
- For example, Budget Pool 4000 includes ranges 4010–4028, 4039–999 and 5710–5799
- Additional pools cover the expense codes not included in these ranges