As part of the ongoing security review of the FAMIS System, FAMIS Services distributes periodic reports to designated security officers at each system member. Using the instructions below, each designee reviews these reports for any discrepancies and returns a certification form back to FAMIS Help.
Periodic Verification Process
At the end of each period, ZBAU035 and the ZBAR204 are distributed to a security officer at each system member. (The ZBAR204 is only generated for locations with inactivated IDs for the period being reported.) These reports are sent to a networked printer, imaging system or via campus mail. Please email for any questions about the distribution of these reports.
These reports should be reviewed to confirm that all of the listed users are still active employees and that their security access level is appropriate. This review should be used to verify the following,
- Listed users are currently employed at the system member being reported.
- Listed users are still in a position that requires them to have access to the FAMIS System.
- Active users’ names and UIN are correct.
- Active users have the appropriate level of security for their job duties.
Any changes to a user should be forwarded to FAMIS Help as soon as possible.
Upon completion of the review, the FAMIS Periodic Verification of FAMIS User IDs certification form should be signed and sent to FAMIS Services. This form is expected back before the last working day of the month following the period being reported. For example, if the review is for Jan-Mar, the certification form should be returned before the last working day of April. System members that are delinquent in returning their certification forms are subject to having their FAMIS System access suspended until the form has been returned.
Security Access Modifications and Certification forms should be sent to one of the following,
- Email:
- Fax: 979-458-6470