Account Attributes
- Function is no longer required on GL Accounts. SOBA has reversed the request to require Function codes on all GL accounts. They will work through any issues in OneStream.
- Valid Function/Effort Code combinations are posted to the FAMIS website. https://it.tamus.edu/famis/reference/valid-effort-function-code-combinations/.
- The only valid Year-End Process Flag on GL Accounts Only is now “F-Fiscal Year.”
- P-Project has never worked properly for GLs and has caused some issues.
- The other options, E-Encumbrance Only (SLs Only) and T-Transfer BBA (SLs Only), apply only to SL Accounts.
- The database for any GLs with a “P” flag was updated to an “F” in FY 2024 and 2025, and we have notified the affected members.
- Master Vendor search was corrected to show FAMIS Master Vendors, not Buy A&M Master Vendors.
- Net Funding Calculator was removed. This feature did not work properly.
- Employee information page was added.
- User Profile: the email field can no longer be updated by users; it feeds from Workday. If the email is incorrect, correct it in Workday and it will update on the User Profile. This email should be your official email since FAMIS pulls from the User Profile for notifications.
- Also applies to the “PERS” pop-up on Screen 001 in 3270 as well. Users are no longer able to edit the email field.
- FAMIS Security Administrators also have the ability to make these changes on Screen 850.
- Summer GIP process was changed to use a different percentage for Graduate Assistants to determine where to charge summer GIP. The percentage was reduced from 75% to 40% for Graduate Assistants.
- Bad data entered on PCT Worksheets was not appropriately handled and causing Canopy to crash. Validations were added to ensure correct formats and field lengths for percentages, campus codes and accounts to reduce incorrect data passed to the PCT.
- Additional fields were added to the file created for TRecs:
- Supplier ID
- Supplier Invoice Number
- Voucher Enclosure Code
- FBAUXROU: new utility available in the Reports Request Database
- Request to remove orphaned routing documents from routing
- Required parameters are:
- Campus Code
- Fiscal Year
- Option
- Global Queue in Canopy can be used to find these.

Bug Corrections
- Memo Bank Creation: new banks were added with SL code descriptions other than Cash, Receipts and Disbursements due to a faulty lookup in the program. We corrected the program and updated the incorrect descriptions in the database.
- Effort code requirement was corrected to only be required for College Station–based members.
- ACH Approvals: at the request of Wells Fargo, FAMIS stopped sending $0 ACH records. They remain on the ACH Approvals to complete the voucher process, but a step that moved these vouchers to the PAID status was removed, causing these vouchers to return to the ACH Approval daily. This has been corrected.
- Title codes on Screens 764 and 850 were using the pre-Workday title code table for validations. This was corrected to use Workday title codes.