Time and Effort produces the following system-generated notifications. All notifications are sent via email.
- Each Monday evening a scheduled task runs and produces emails letting employees or managers know that they have pending documents in their Time and Effort Inbox.
- Each Monday evening a scheduled report is mailed to any Time and Effort departmental administrators letting them know that they have documents that are not in a completed status. These documents require some action. (Internal note, this report is sent from reporting services – SSIS).
- When documents are rejected an an email stating that the document has been rejected is sent to:
- The person who rejected the document (usually the employee)
- The manager of the document (the manager of the employee)
- The departmental administrator of the document.
- SSO Contacts setup for TE-SYS-CONT Contact Type, for the workstation of the document.
- When documents are confirmed.
- The confirming employee receives an email.
- The manager of the confirming employee will receive an email
- When documents are released from administrative review (Admin verification is completed), or if the document has been on hold and it is returned to open status.
- The employee will receive an email if they are set to self-certify
- The manager of the employee will receive an email if the employee is NOT a self certifying employee.
- Note (Departmental administrator used to receive a .CC copy for these actions. This feature was turned of in the spring of 2011.
- When documents are not certified or out of compliance
- Starting on day 25 of the certification period, administrators, department heads, deans/equivalents, and CROs/equivalents are notified of documents that are behind schedule.
- See the Certification Notification Timeline for more information.
Notifications are sent the employee’s business e-mail address as maintained in SSO or HRConnect. This email address can be updated in SSO or in HR Connnect.