Departments are referred to in the BPP system as “adlocs” (short for “administrative location”).
As each adloc is activated in the Time and Effort System, the department must make a determination about its involvement in the certification process.
Departmental Verification Option
Departments can choose to “preview” the certification documents before the documents are made available to the employees and managers. This is an “opt in” feature and is not required.
The web page below is available to Time and Effort central administrators. If the administrator marks the adloc as type “require verification” – then all certification documents must be verified by an administrator prior to certification by the PI or the manager. If the adloc is left unchecked and verification is not required, then certification documents appear in the PI and manager in-boxes as soon as the certification period is open.
If an adloc is set up to require administrative verification, it is the responsibility of the administrator to verify all documents. Administrators will have documents in their in-boxes which will require action. The initial status of those document will be “Pending Admin Verification.”