This course provides an overview of Workday Payroll and how you as a Payroll Partner will support Employees. By completing this course, you will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage payroll-related tasks.
In this course, you will learn to do the following:
- Recall the various tasks for which a Payroll Partner is responsible such as Pay inputs and on demand payments.
- Recognize the components of a pay result for an Employee and where they are located.
- Describe the dynamics of the A&M System and how payroll is processed using shared services.
- Navigate a Worker Profile to view pay results and payroll related information
- Recall various Payroll related terms such as Annual Work Period, Retro, Manual Payment and more
- Support Employees with payroll questions such as payment elections and Model My Pay
- Add a pay input for a worker such as a charitable donation a manual payment for
- Add a manual payment for a worker
- Recall where to find your helpful Workday payroll resources
- Differentiate the tasks for which a Payroll Partner is not responsible that are related to the Pay Cycle Event
This is not a required course but highly recommended for new Payroll Partners who will use Workday to manage payroll related tasks. It is advisable that you take Workday Core Concepts for Security Roles and Workday Advanced Navigation before completing this course.
The course should take between 45mins to 1hr to complete. This course is developed by IT Training and Development, a department within the A&M System Office of Information Technology. To access an alternative version of this course, select the Resources tab in the upper-right hand corner of the course player or contact support at
Target Audience
Payroll Partner