This guide provides a comprehensive list of Performance Review reports and a brief explanation of how those reports are used

During the Performance Review process a variety of reports are typically used to monitor the status and ratings of performance reviews, as well as whether Position Restrictions are needing to be updated for an employee. The purpose of this guide is to provide a comprehensive list of these reports and a brief explanation of how that report is used.
Key Point
The Performance Review Process varies at each member and not all reports listed here will be used.
Report List
The list is broken down by security role, however the Manager, Talent Partner and Talent Analyst can access the majority of these reports.
Manager Reports
The following reports may be useful for Managers during the Performance Review process. Reports marked with an * are not available from the Performance Dashboard and must be accessed using the Search feature in Workday
My Team’s Performance Reviews
Provides a list of performance reviews for the Manager’s employees.
Performance Review Process (Incomplete)
Provides a list of incomplete Employee performance reviews. This report is also available to Talent Partners, Talent Analysts and Talent View only roles.
My Team’s Goals
Provides a list of goals for the Manager’s employees on their team.
Employee Reviews
Provides a list of “In Progress” and “Completed” performance reviews within the Manager’s Supervisory Organization(s).
Review Ratings
Returns a matrix report of performance review ratings by Supervisory Organization. Further information on the distribution of ratings is available by drilling down using links provided in the matrix.
Performance Ratings Distribution
Lists the number of current performance ratings for employees grouped by Supervisory Organization. Managers can filter on workers he or she supervises. Talent Analysts and Talent Partners also have access to this report.
Worker Expiring Certifications (Within 3 Months of Today)*
Provides a list of the Manager’s employees who have certifications that will be expiring. Talent Analysts and Talent Partners also have access to this report.
Worker Newly Added Certifications (Within Date Range)*
Provides a list of the Manager’s Employees who have newly added certifications. Talent Analysts and Talent Partners also have access to this report.
Goal Setting Performance Review Process*
This report allows users to see Goal Setting Performance Review data and filter on Company, Status, and Performance Review Date range. Talent Analysts and Talent Partners also have access to this report.
Talent Analyst Reports
The following reports may be useful to Talent Analysts.
Performance Ratings Distribution
Lists the number of current performance ratings for Employees grouped by Supervisory Organization. Talent Analysts can filter on Supervisory Organizations he or she supports.
Employees Who Need Position Description Updates
Provides a list of performance reviews for which the Manager has indicated the Position Description needs to be updated for the Employee.
Note: HR Partners can use this report to view which positions need updates to the Position Description.
Talent Partners
The following reports may be useful to Talent Partners. Talent Analysts and Talent View Only security roles also have access to these reports.
New Hire / Promotion / Transfer Within 6 Months
Provides a list of employees who are New Hires, Transfers or recently received a promotion in the last six months. with additional information based on their hire / promotion / transfer date. This report is used to determine whether an employee needs an annual review. HR Partners may find this report useful as well.
Performance Review Process (All) – Most Recent Event
This report will return the most recent performance review for each employee in the Supervisory Organizations the Talent Partner supports. The performance review can be in any status within the date range specified.
Performance Rating Review Report (Overall Rating of 1 or 2)
Provides a list of employees who received an overall rating of 1 or 2 from the Manager.
Performance Review Acknowledgement Audit Report
This report provides a list of all Manager and Employee acknowledgements from the performance review process. Talent Partners may want to use this report to audit when a position description may need to be updated or when the Employee did not agree with the review.