I-9 Working Group Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2024
Johnny Watson-Mendoza (TAMUT)
Christy White (TAMUC)
Alicia Michalak (TFS)
Vera Hobma (TAMUS)
Sofia Rangel (TEES)
Araceli Sandoval (TAMIU)
Elizabeth Jones (TDEM)
Tanesha Davis (PVAMU)
Sarah Pedroza (TAMU,G,HSC)
Jessica Chapa (TAMUK)
Marissa Perez (TAMUCT) & Asia Terry
Christina Gomez (TAMUSA)
Shevonne Dyer-Phillips (TTI)
Maria Pedigo (TAMUCC)
Christin Spivey (AL, TVMDL)
Meg Kleppel (TEEX)
Megan Groff (WTAMU)
Christina Gomez
Morgan Kindel
Meg Kleppel (TEEX)
Megan Groff (WTAMU)
- Voting Items
- None
- Items
- (TEES) Add Occupation Class and HR Group to I-9 Expiring notification from Guardian
- What pulls in when there are multiple occupation classes?
- Is there a better field that is associated with the I-9 (not just the employee profile)?
- Vote next meeting
- (TAMU) “To Do: Complete Form I-9 in Guardian for Transfer” does not trigger for NEBO going to regular position
- Should it?
- Yes, should trigger like any other Transfer
- Vote next meeting
- (TEES) Add Occupation Class and HR Group to I-9 Expiring notification from Guardian
- Member Help:
- (TEES – Sofia Rangle) If someone begins working, but you notice later that their TAMU approval notice was after their start date? What are your next steps in Guardian? Do you notify anyone?
- Contact Immigration Affairs Office
- (TEES – Sofia Rangle) If someone begins working, but you notice later that their TAMU approval notice was after their start date? What are your next steps in Guardian? Do you notify anyone?
- Questions/Comments
- Separate I-9 ID per company? Can do it manually, not via integration. Probably not recommended as it would require manually upkeep.
- Can an I-9 be unparked if it was parked in error?
- No. “Once Parked, it cannot be modified, amended, or used again. Use this option if employees cannot produce Section 2 documents within 3 days and end up being terminated. This provides a record of the incomplete I-9 for future reference.”
- Section 1 Amendments – Current Settings-We can propose edits to Section 1, but the employee can edit proposed amendments when reviewing/approving. Some users may be able to also approve section 1 amendments.
- Action Items
- None
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 4th, 2024