Provide collaborative strategic direction, guidance and recommendations on technology-enriched teaching, learning and assessment initiatives
- Teaching and learning technologies
- Policies, rules and regulations governing the use of technology within the academic environment
- Quality assurance, integrity and compliance in the use of technology in teaching and learning
- Collaboration to leverage resources
- Emerging and innovative trends and best practices for using academic technologies to advance A&M System goals
- Professional development for faculty and staff in academic technology
See CATIE’s home page for more information
Chair: Chosen by CATIE
Four representatives from Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University at Galveston, Texas A&M Health Science Center
Two representatives from each of the remaining universities
Three representatives from the Texas A&M agricultural agencies
Three representatives from the Texas A&M engineering agencies
CSAC student representative
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
A&M System CIO
Digital Accessibility Council Representative
Total: ~31 members
CATIE At Large Meetings
- June 24
- October 18
- February 26
- June TBD
CATIE Executive Committee meets monthly on the 1st Friday