UIN is the common acronym for Universal Identification Number. The UIN is a system-controlled digital identity that plays a major role in individual and federated identity and access management across the… Read more: What is a UIN and why are they used?
UINs are given to all employees of and many students within the A&M System. In addition, UINs are given to some outside consultants, visiting staff, and other individuals associated with the… Read more: How do I correct a problem with the data elements of a UIN?
The following fields are always required to create a UIN: Last Name Sex/Gender One or both of these fields are also required: Date of Birth Social Security Number Note that both… Read more: What data fields are required to create a UIN?
How multiple UINs for a person come about: Unfortunately, it often happens that a single individual is assigned multiple UINs over the course of time as additional services are provisioned, rather… Read more: Multiple UIN Assignments and Resolution
For employees, Workday is the system of record for personal information such as name, birth date, and gender. Therefore, changes to these values should be made in Workday, not in UIN… Read more: Why Can’t I Update an Employee’s Name, etc., in UIN Manager?