BusinessObjects Quarterly User Review Form Please fill out the form below to verify that you have completed the BusinessObjects Quarterly User Review. Please include any security changes needed. "*" indicates required fields Reviewer Work Email* Quarter Reviewed*January - March (1st Qtr)April - June (2nd Qtr)July - September (3rd Qtr)October - December (4th Qtr)This field is hidden when viewing the form(Disabled field) System Member(s) Reviewed2/8/23, disabled by Jeremy. Multi-select forms are not accessible for some users. Replaced with checkboxes. Hid this field to retain data from previous entries.Click to selectA - AG-RSCHC - TTID - TEEXE - TEESF - TMFSG - TAMUGH - TAMHSCI - TAMUCCJ - TAMUKK - TAMUCTL - TAMUIM - TAMUN - TAMUTO - TAMUSAP - PVAMUR - TAMUCS - TAMUST - TARLETONV - TVMDLW - WTAMUX - AG-EXTSystem Member(s) Reviewed* A - AG-RSCH B - TDEM C - TTI D - TEEX E - TEES F - TMFS G - TAMUG H - TAMHSC I - TAMUCC J - TAMUK K - TAMUCT L - TAMUI M - TAMU N - TAMUT O - TAMUSA P - PVAMU R - TAMUC S - TAMUS T - TARLETON V - TVMDL W - WTAMU X - AG-EXT Universe(s) Reviewed* HR/Payroll Financials Verification Status* All users for the selected security group(s) have been confirmed and there are no corrections needed. Updates are needed to users' security and the changes are noted below. Security Updates/ChangesUINUniverseAction (update/remove)Notes Add RemoveNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ