Creating a UIN
After searching the UIN database for the person for whom you wish to obtain a UIN, UIN Manager will present one of the results listed below.
Possible Match
If the individual can’t be uniquely identified, UIN Manager will display one or more individuals already on file with similar names, dates of birth, and genders. Examine each of the existing UINs closely. If one of them might be the person you are looking for, select that UIN and compare the data you searched for to the data on file in UIN Manager. Do this for each likely match.
If one of the suggested matches is the person you are searching for, nothing more need be done unless a correction needs to be made to the person’s data, which can be done in UIN Manager.
No Match
If none of UIN Manager’s suggested matches is the person you are looking for, click the button to create a new UIN using the information you entered.
UIN Manager will then prompt you to enter the person’s information EXACTLY as you entered it the first time.
Take care to re-enter the information exactly as before. When you save this data, the new UIN will be created.
Exact Match
If the individual can be uniquely identified, UIN Manager will display the UIN information already on file.
In this case, nothing more need be done in UIN Manager. The person will continue to use their existing UIN.