Error Message
The reported position code does not match the employee’s Position Code in the TRS system for this RE. A contract record was not found for reported position code <xx>. A different position code <xx> exists for the member with the RE. If you feel the reported information related to this error is correct, please contact TRS.
TAMUS has seen this error on the RP 25 records. The RP25 record is adjustment a previous payroll report for a given employee and position. For the time period being adjusted, the position code provided on the RP25 record does not match the position record previously reported.
Cause of error
The TAMUS process for assigning position codes prior to TRS team (TRS TRAQS) was faulty and not as precise as the process used for TRS team. The ED25 record is using the *new* position code – which does not match the one used for TRAQS prior to September 1, 2017.
Work around
Change the ED25 record to point to the position code that was used in TRAQS.
This will only be required for adjustments that are made after 1-Sep-2017 referencing periods prior to 1-Sep-2017
Action by TAMUS System Enterprise Applications
A&M System IT staff are making no coding adjustments for this error.
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