Error Message
The EIN reported is for a TRS retiree. Delete this record from the RP report and include it on the ER report.
Delete retiree from RP report and include retiree on ER report.
Following is an example case that will cause this error:
- Employee retires on August 31, 2017
- Employee was paid on September 1, for work done in August of 2017
- TRS does not accept the RP 20 record – since it thinks the work is after retirement.
- The contribution cannot be reported on the ER file.
Cause of error
TRS does not allow contributions after a member is retired.
Workaround / Resolution
TRS Provides the following guidance in their Go live Tips Document.
August 2017 Terminations receiving final pay in September 2017:
Active (non-TRS Retiree) employees: If the person was in a TRS eligible position, submit an ED90 on the September 2017 ED report indicating the termination date was in August and the final report month is September. This will allow the final RP20 record with the appropriate ‘Zero Days Reason Code’ to post.
If the employee was in a non-TRS eligible position and terminated employment from the RE in August 2017, do not include the final pay received in September on the September 2017 RP report. This scenario will happen at ‘go-live’ only.
Additionally, the TAMUS TRS contact provided this specific guidance to TAMUS:
If an error is generated after the ED90 is submitted stating that the account is closed, then the coach will need to be contacted for TRS to reopen the account to allow this final posting. In most cases, the submission of the ED90 will resolve the issue. However, we have seen scenarios where TRS needs to reopen the account due to issues with back bridging data so I just wanted to bring that up ahead of time
Action by TAMUS System Enterprise Applications
TAMUS SEA is evaluating how to appropriately populate the ED90 record.
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