The changes in version 4.4.1 of Single Sign On primarily relate to security and event logging.
- When an employee’s password is reset, SSO now automatically sends the employee an email reporting the change. It is no longer necessary for an administrator to check the ’email employee’ check box. Additionally, when the employee’s email is changed, an automated email is sent to both the old and new email addresses.
- To help prevent unauthorized access from countries that are known for hacking and phishing operations, all logins from certain countries will be blocked from accessing the SSO menu. The list of blocked countries is continually updated and is viewable by all employees via the Blocked Countries tab in SSO.
- Because employees may have a legitimate reason to access SSO while in one of these countries, it is possible for their SSO Central Administrator to grant a individual employee an exclusion to the blocking rule. SSO Central Administrators can see an employee’s blocked country exclusions on the Foreign Access tab and manage these exclusions on the Exclusion List tab.
- The Security Reviewer’s page now contains the employee’s contact information so member ISO’s can contact the employee more easily.
- SSO’s IP-to-location mapping data has been updated with the most recent data.