Role Updates
Employee Role
- Indicate on the Main Menu if there are hidden menu items available
- UIN was removed from the “My Managers” page for the Employee role
- Ace project was added to the SSO menu for authorized users
- Application names were updated to display correct casing on menu
- On the “My Manager” page, only show PINs currently occupied by the employee
Central Admin Role
- Employee Status page : Allow Managers to see their employees’ menus
- Employee Log page : New tab was created to show log of role changes
- Employee Role page : Newly added Contact Admin Role now has the Read-only/Update option
- Employee’s Managers page:
- New button shows log of Manager changes by PIN
- Allow change of Manager Type (Approver, Reader, or Informational Email)
- Allow selection of Active Pins only
- Manager’s Employees page :
- New button allows deletion of Manager/Employee relationship
- A bug on bulk Manager Change when changing more than 25 employee was fixed
- New tab for Reports
- Managers by Employee Type – Lists individuals with Manager access to employees who are either wage or budgeted
- SSO Security – Lists individuals by ADLOC with indicated application and role permissions
Sys Admin Role
- Allow filter of Application list by App name, IP address, Available Apps and On-menu Apps.
Contact Admin Role
- New page for viewing the Contacts log
Application Updates
Re-implement HRC Admin role check due to missing source code in HRC (Transparent to users)
Discontinue web-side logging of failed logon attempts.