Below are approved standard graphic elements for the A&M System’s Security Operation Center (SOC) and Statewide Cybersecurity Services (SCS). It has been prepared and distributed to ensure the success of the SOC and SCS outward-facing, visual identity. The fonts, colors and logo described in this manual are the only authorized marks to be used in communications with third-party clients. The SOC and SCS uses standard OIT logos and guidelines when communicating with internally with members.
- The Security Operations Center is an industry leader, protecting and educating people and organizations throughout the United States. Statewide Cybersecurity Services is a business enabler that creates accessibility to SOC services for outside organizations. Marketing and communications materials delivered in support of the SOC and SCS should reflect that design – bold graphics and colors coupled with angular lines and action-figure like graphics
- Key words that can be used when describing the project include:
- Protective
- Confident
- Secure
- Calm
- Leading
- Knowledgeable
- Our standard font is Arial 11 point (minimum); this size is required to meet Accessibility Guidelines
The SOC and SCS logo is a key visual identity element and should appear with the A&M System logo on all communications with visual elements. It may be modified, adhering to Office of IT standards when used to communicate with members
Primary Colors
R: 235 G: 0 B: 0 HEX: EB0000 C: 1 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 0 |
R: 4 G: 84 B: 195 HEX: 0454C3 C: 90 M: 72 Y: 0 K: 0 |
R: 21 G: 180 B: 202 HEX: 15B4CA C: 73 M: 6 Y: 19 K: 0 |
R: 255 G: 70 B: 0 HEX: FF4600 C: 0 M: 87 Y: 100 K: 0 |
R: 2 G: 40 B: 56 HEX: 022838 C: 96 M: 73 Y: 53 K: 58 |
Graphics and Icons
The following is additional guidance around the usage of graphics:
- Utilize graphics and icons created by the Communications Department for the SOC and SCS whenever possible
- Do not overuse graphics or ‘clip art’
- Select graphics that relate to the message and / or are impactful
Icon Library
Various icons and images are available for your use. They can be found here
PowerPoint template for presentations outside of the A&M System